Stress incontinence Occurs when the pressure acting on the bladder is greater than your pelvic floor strength May occur when you cough, sneeze, lift, run, or jump Solution: Increase your pelvic floor strength Urge Urinary incontinence Occurs when your bladder contracts without you being on the toilet May occur with these triggers: Coffee, fizzy drinks, alcohol, artificial sugars, running water, on route to the toilet or with key in the door Solution: Bladder retraining and consultation with GP as you may need some medication to stop the bladder from contracting so strongly. Overactive Bladder An overactive bladder is caused when the bladder has a problem with its ability to store urine. The bladder has sudden spasms and the child will often have urinary urgency and they often have urine leakage. A child who has overactive bladder syndrome will benefit from an assessment and management plan from a qualified Pelvic Health Physiotherapists. Common Symptoms: • Leaking urine when you cough, sneeze or exercise • Rushing to the toilet with an overwhelming urge to go • Leaking urine on the way to the toilet • Going to the toilet frequently • Having your sleep interrupted by the need to urinate • Feeling like you haven’t emptied your bladder properly • Having to return to the toilet soon after urinating • Difficulty getting started or having to strain to empty your bladder Possible Causes of Bladder Problems: • Pregnancy & childbirth • Poor pelvic floor muscle function • Constipation • Poor fluid & toileting habits • Chronic cough • Obesity • Strenuous sports • Ageing & menopause • Neurological conditions |